Accuracy, speed, comfort of recoil. Stop losing your equipment and get the top gear faster than ever with Overgear. Price: 30000 RUB. It has markers for PMC, Scav and Boss spawns, extractions, loot, keys, caches and more. Escape From Tarkov Interactive Map. EFT barters are some of the best ways to save money on gear and weapons, as well as occasional. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. #eft. 7x55mm PS12A (PS12A) is a 12. A configurable low noise GPS amplifier module with pre-filtering and wide input voltage range. A measuring device for determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of gas mixtures. If, instead of the "install" button, you see the "buy" button, then you need to make sure that you are using the correct account that has the Escape from Tarkov pre-order purchased. Advanced Electronic Materials textbook (AEM) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. 30 PMC kills with MOSIN and SV98. Jewelry items. 3 has officially hit mid-wipe, with only a handful of months remaining players should be using this time to hone their skills. Additional % to reward for quests. 45x39 automatic rifles. Сбор предложений по игре "Escape from Tarkov". Must be level 14 to start this quest. A 7. Intelligence Center in game Escape from Tarkov. com and log in to your account. Daily Trend. 2 3. Gonna pull the trigger on it. A. Immediately stressed, not because its so super valuable but simply because of the feeling of rarity. Profit per hour. Raid time. We provide any possible EFT boosting. Choose options-20%. Provocation is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. You can get a L. STEPS. The Customs gas station manager's office key. ノルヴィンスク地方の情勢は日々混迷を増すばかりであった。. Profit. GP-5 gas mask - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, bartersScav Caseとは、お金やアイテムと引き換えに、Scavにアイテムを持ってきてもらうことができるHIDE OUTの設備です。. Rogues have different health values than PMCs and other Scavs. Многоразовый предмет при крафте. A golden GPhone 1G Edition Orange Gold smarthphone. A measuring device for determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of gas mixtures. The cheat method that BSG seems to employ as do many other gaming companies, is the mass ban wave strategy. Secured magnetic tape cassette x2. Unlocks 24 hours after completion of Assessment - Part 3 Find 2 Pieces of plexiglass in raid Find 1 Insulating tape in raid Find 2 Military circuit boards in raid Find 1 Military COFDM Wireless Signal Transmitter in raid Find 1 Working LCD in raid Obtain 1 Radio transmitter body on Lighthouse Hand over 2. A gas discharge device for an automatic count of detected ionizing particles. Must be level 5 to start this quest. Specify your wishes and agree on a. Profit. Military COFDM Wireless Signal Transmitter (SG-C10) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. Microcontroller board (MB) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. 本日はタルコフのカルマ値を上げまくった動画です。初心者さんはスカブで荒稼ぎしましょう。金策の命です。チャンネル登録・グッドボタン. Escape from Tarkov: Arena is a new project in the Tarkov universe, a competitive tactical PVPVE first-person shooter. Escape from Tarkov is a multiplayer tactical first-person shooter video game in development by Battlestate Games for Microsoft Windows. J. Not all items have values and occasionally the value is out of date. Unlocks 24 hours after completion of Information Source Locate the informant's hideout on Streets of Tarkov (Optional) Obtain the key to the second hideout Locate the informant's backup hideout Obtain the informant's journal Bring the information to Lightkeeper Lightkeeper Rep +0. Other x Collector x. The Soyuz-TM STM-9 Gen. But this is the most comprehensive listing I've seen. Far-forward GPS Signal Amplifier Unit. Find out how to get it. In Jackets In Drawers Pockets and bags of Scavs This key unlocks a safe that is located in the north-western bedroom on the second floor of the blue chalet on Lighthouse. Leave a bit of free space on the top of your iventory, doubleclick your gun in your backpack, start ctrl+left clicking the parts from bottom right to top left. Collected the most: ThreeeX (192 578) > The Chronicles of Ryzhy, episode 2 <. Like normally I open my inventory after spawning to hotkey meds. 12K views 5 months ago #escapefromtarkov #tarkov. So all of that experience you're earning IS actually going towards something. Has a very wide range of applications - in environmental protection, internal combustion engines, management systems, and medicine. 45x39mm PS gs (GRAU Index - 7N6) cartridge with a 3. Surplus Goods is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov . Radeon Driver Settings Page 3. Completing one will often reward you with experience points,. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Information Source is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. 349. Two-way Speaking Military COFDM wireless AV+data Signal Transmitter SG-C10 Only 4 can be held in your PMC inventory at one time 1 needs to be found in raid or crafted for the quest Lend-Lease - Part 2 5 need to be found in raid or crafted for the quest. 極めてハードコアかつリアルなだけでなく、MMOの要素やストーリーも兼ね備えている。. Complete raids on large-scale maps with your friends, or as a lone wolf. Having trouble getting through raids? Learn how the spawns in Escape from Tarkov servers work with this new player guide. Bonuses : Reducing the cooldown of your Scav Select module level to. GP-7 gas mask - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, bartersTime in Escape from Tarkov moves at 7 seconds per second. Find the Far Forward GPSA & CC in EFT: Spawn Locations Intelligence center level 3 and solar panels are two extremely difficult hideout modules to upgrade in Escape from Tarkov. Locate the apartment of Prapor's friend on Streets of Tarkov Survive and extract from the location +7,300 EXP Prapor Rep +0. . exe, go to properties > compatibility, and check 'Disable Full Screen Optimizations' and "Run this program as administrator'. Jewelry items. • 2 yr. 62x54R bolt-action sniper rifle This quest requires you to. Home. Must be level 14 to start this quest. Escape from Tarkov Far-forward GPS Signal Amplifier | Found in Raid Boosting & Coaching Service. Loot. Cannot compute. Захаровой, Москва, 30 марта 2023 года00:00:00 О презентации. monster) Ballistics (tarkov-ballistics) Weapon - Flea market. Drawer Sport bag Dead Scav Ground cache Buried barrel cache Jacket In the electronics stores at the Ultra Shopping Mall Marked Room. What can be found in the container? Without category Energy elements Building materials Electronics Household materials Valuables Flammable materials Medical supplies Others. ) PACA soft armor (3 pcs. com. Is it normal to be done with SBIH, Tarkov Shooter Pt8, The Guide, and other 'hard' quests but be completely unable to kill Killa? upvotes. You can't accept quest rewards if you don't have space in your inventory for them. When you improve the pre-order version, all current. Arena perfectly combines the hardcore mechanics of EFT and the fast-paced gameplay of session. Crafts in Escape from Tarkov allows you to produce many items. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Secure container Gamma (Gamma) is a secure container in Escape from Tarkov. 🏷️ Gas analyzer in game Escape from Tarkov. 56x45 assault rifle (HK 416A5) is an assault rifle in Escape from Tarkov. Item craft time is affected by the Crafting. Shop Now!4:34am · 1hr30min. #escapefromtarkov #eft #tarkov #labs Like and sub for more!. Beginning in 1996, Greater Pittsburgh Specialty Advertising (everybody knows us as GPSA) has built a reputation and grown a business by delivering our clients a winning blend of Quality, Dependability and Responsiveness. There’s more to this city than derelict penthouses and fallen sky scrapers. . Armasight N-15 Night Vision Goggles. : Lighthouse. Locate and check the AVOKADO store on Interchange Locate and check the KOSTIN store on Interchange Locate and check the tRend store on Interchange Locate and check the DINO CLOTHES store on Interchange Locate and check the TOP BRAND store on Interchange Survive and extract from the. Armasight N-15 Night Vision Goggles. One of the earliest tasks in Escape From Tarkov is finding 3 Salewas for Therapist. Petersburg. GP-7 gas mask (GP-7) is a Face cover item in Escape from Tarkov. A textbook for advanced electronic materials and components. 22 969 ₽ за 1 шт. N/A. Twitterで上げてたやつ。おすすめ武器と弾の説明もつけてます。配信元【】Twitter【. Minefields are usually marked by warning signs, but there are also a few unmarked ones. Labs only. Buy 1 Escape From Tarkov Yellow Keycard for $15. 02 40,000 Roubles 42,000 Roubles with Intelligence Center Level 1 46,000 Roubles with Intelligence Center Level 2 2× Ultraviolet lamp 2× Energy-saving lamp In this quest you need to pick up and extract with an MBT. Scav Case. 5 Update: We're working on the new Streets expansion + changes to container spawns. Lighthouse is the god tier of shit map design. See the current and future times in Escape from Tarkov. Power supply unit - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, bartersEscape From Tarkov patch 12. The Prepare For Escape edition of Escape From Tarkov costs $100. Buy 1 Escape From Tarkov Yellow Keycard for $16. A consumable in the production of various advanced far-forward. Big Customer is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. 01 1× Microcontroller. Confrontos incessantes em Tarkov geraram pânico massivo; a população local fugiu das cidades. Game questions. 🏷️ Ophthalmoscope in game Escape from Tarkov. To do that, put the transponder in a special item slot. . Banned at the flea market. GPSA. 27 labs runs of checking cat room, weapon testing, and a few other tech spawns in labs and enough naked woods runs to the lumber mill tech shelves to level my sniper skill to lvl8 by reloading mosin i have yet to see that god damn thing. Banned at the flea market. YOU NEED A SECOND MONITOR OR TABLET W/ WIFI!!!! As long as you have somebody who knows the map well. . 219. Television. Escape from Tarkov: Arena is a new project in the Tarkov universe, a competitive tactical PVPVE first-person shooter. Escape from Tarkov outages reported in the last 24 hours. This way you can fully disassemble your gun into all. Streets of Tarkov. ago. To do that,. Please increase the loot spawn chance of Far-forward GPS Signal Amplifier Unit and the solar panel part. Skier. In this case, Escape From Tarkov > Items. 104. J. t-pat1991. Searches today: 346 ₽405,555. 97 from our trusted seller XIANI who guarantees 20 Minutes Delivery (Offer ID: 197756223). OPENS AFTER 24 HOURS . 表を見てみる. There’s more to this city than derelict penthouses and fallen sky scrapers. Quality: We’re known for getting things right, and if something ever isn’t right, we go above and beyond to fix it. The HK416 A5 is a further development of the HK416 assault rifle in 5. This converter has increased physical security and quality of components, which allows it to be used in highly loaded systems with increased physical impact factors. In addition, such as in the case of Edge Of Darkness Limited Edition, access to co-op mode and free access to all subsequent DLC, such as Escape From Tarkov: ARENA. A. Maybe 1 black card while in labs but nothing outside of that map. It’s good that there is a satellite “Ebambium”, not all the time to mess around on the net. 35%. Cannot be listed for sale on the flea market. 99 from our trusted seller zbyjq2100 who guarantees 20 Minutes Delivery (Offer ID: 197417171). Find out how to get it from the Intelligence Center level 3 hideout or as a quest reward. 02 42,000 Roubles 44,100 Roubles with Intelligence Center Level 1 48,300 Roubles with Intelligence Center Level 2 2× Bottle of Tarkovskaya. Phat_Sosig SR-25 • 8 mo. 99 from our trusted seller zbyjq2100 who guarantees 20 Minutes Delivery (Offer ID: 197479145). 1. For. Power supply unit - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters Escape From Tarkov patch 12. Setup your options like this: Radeon Driver Settings Page 1. First, to complete the first part of the quest, you need to kill 20 Raiders in the Laboratory and Reserve. 55x39mm) Geksa cartridge with a 15. Broken GPhone X smartphone (GPX) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. Firearms Expert Reacts To Escape From Tarkov’s Guns PART 5. Gunsmith - Part 7. 3 to 5. Image EFT-GPS hosted in ImgBB. . its therapist this wipe if you want a free 800ktags; Nflatei0n,Nflateion,nflateionYT,Nflatei0nYT,Chemical part 4,who to turn chemical part 4 into,escape from. USEC first safe key (USEC 1) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. 4:42am · 1hr39min. Military COFDM Wireless Signal Transmitter (SG-C10) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. It’s like calling using a sextant and updating a paper map real time. To get into these rooms, you will need. 36,721₽. The Soyuz-TM STM-9 Gen. 「どれくらいのお金を払うのが一番コスパがいいの?. Scout the Shestyorochka store at Nikitskaya street Scout the Sparja store at Primorsky ave Scout the Sparja store in Pinewood hotel Scout the Goshan store in Concordia Hand over 1 found in raid Salty Dog beef sausage +2,600 EXP Jaeger Rep. There was a firefight about an hour ago in the garages across the river. Microcontroller board (MB) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. I thought it. 62x54R infantry machine gun. Far-forward GPS Signal Amplifier Unit x1. More 🎁: In the popular video game Escape from Tarkov, the Far-forward GPS Signal Amplifier Unit. Price: 38420 RUB. Escape from Tarkov MMO Action game First-person shooter Gaming Shooter game. 01 1× Microcontroller board 3× LEDX Skin Transilluminator In this quest you. Calibration is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. Low Craft Cost. Advanced current converter (MCC) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. . player scav parties should spawn with the same last name. This interactive map shows the Lighthouse location in Escape from Tarkov. 発電機Lv. You can't accept quest rewards if you don't have space in your inventory for them. Secure container Gamma (Gamma) is a secure container in Escape from Tarkov. GP-5 gas mask - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, bartersI don't see anything about vendor. Join. Obtain the V3 Flash drive on Lighthouse Reflash the Radio transmitter Hand over the flash drive to Mechanic Visit the lighthouse building +32,000 EXP Mechanic Rep +0. Settings. #escapefromtarkov #tarkov #eft Like and subscribe for more! Silicon Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits textbook (SOIC) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. Profit. 99 from our trusted seller zbyjq2100 who guarantees 20 Minutes Delivery (Offer ID: 197478866). 表を見てみる. VPX Flash Storage Module x2. Can only fit: Documents case Dogtag case Gingy keychain Injector case Key tool Keycard holder. There was a firefight about an hour ago in the garages across the river. The most striking changes compared to its previous versions as well as to market available AR platforms include an improved and tool-less gas regulator for suppressor. Graphics card - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, bartersGunsway streams in Tarkov’s last club, GUNDRIVE. Some require you to pick stuff up for certain traders, while others require you to kill other operators or mark vehicles and specific places. Snatch is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. Unlocks 24 hours after completion of Key to the Tower Check if the radio transmitter works near the Lighthouse peninsula Survive and extract from the location +31,300 EXP Mechanic Rep +0. The map of Escape from Tarkov consists of 12 different locations of which 9 have been released so far. A key to the safe that belonged to one of the USEC operatives stationed in the roadside cottage area. Obtain the V3 Flash drive on Lighthouse Reflash the Radio transmitter Hand over the flash drive to Mechanic Visit the lighthouse building +32,000 EXP Mechanic Rep +0. All Quests Quests (Find in raid) Hideout. Fired up a quick scav on Streets to see if the map has been fixed (5 fps with a 5800X, 3080, 32GB RAM, game on a SSD, 1GB/s internet) 253. 0. Buy 1 Escape From Tarkov Violet Keycard for $16. Must be level 12 to start this quest. A device for determining the angular velocity used in military vehicles. Submachine gunsSo you want to know whether or not you should grind to unlock lightkeeper? Light spoilers involved with the full answer so continue with that understanding. 55. . Snaz5. Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. Factory Woods Customs Interchange Reserve[WIP] Shoreline The Lab Lighthouse[WIP] Streets[WIP] 40 minutes. Full screen. 45x39mm PS gs (PS gs) is a 5. . -175 164 ₽. He is located on the 3rd floor of the lighthouse building at. On the Launcher screen, you should see the "install" button, when you click on it, the installation of the game begins. Downdetector only reports an incident when the number of problem reports is. Hide done. 313. Measuring device for determining the quantitative composition of gas mixtures. 4 gram steel core bullet with lead cladding on the tip and a bimetallic jacket, in a steel case. Locate the transport with the chemicals on Customs Mark the vehicle with an MS2000 Marker Survive and extract from the location +8,100 EXP Prapor Rep +0. Contents 1 Dialogue 2 Objectives 3 Rewards 4 Guide Dialogue “ Hello. Beginning in 1996, Greater Pittsburgh Specialty Advertising (everybody knows us as GPSA) has built a reputation and grown a business by delivering our clients a winning blend of Quality, Dependability and Responsiveness. I found the new GPSA item in Escape From Tarkov! Kurime. The additional fees are not included in the price. The HK416 A5 is a further development of the HK416 assault rifle in 5. I've decided to get involved with military electronics, it's quite a promising business, and I've got. One last suggestion and possible fix you could try is a program called 'Process Lasso'. 1. Come and have a drink at GUNDRIVE, what’s left of it anyway. The new stims and which ones are OPLIVE EVERY DAY ON TWITCHTWITCH: •Escape From Tarkov GamePal How to Buy EFT Items on G2G Follow these steps to buy EFT items on G2G: 1. Consistent across all the Rouble options is that your profit will primarily come from once off big item hauls that can regularly provide millions of Roubles. 56x45mm NATO caliber. Escape from Tarkovはオンライン一人称アクション RPG/シミュレーターだ。. 27 labs runs of checking cat room, weapon testing, and a few other tech spawns in labs and enough naked woods runs to the. #escapefromtarkov #eft #tarkov Like and sub for more content!Finally found the GPSA ! Found on Labs in the red room. A special digital radio transmitter for user status identification system. I'm struggling with Labs. Big Sale is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. Place the first Signal Jammer on the specified place on Shoreline Place the second Signal Jammer on the specified place on Shoreline Place the third Signal Jammer on the specified place on Shoreline Survive and extract from the location +8,500 EXP Mechanic Rep. Escape From Tarkov project has several pre-order editions, which differ from each other by sets of starting in-game items. 6 heavily armed and armored guards and 2-3 snipers. Buy 1 Escape From Tarkov Graphics Card for $16. -10 287 ₽. Hide done. #eft #escapefromtarkov #tarkov #youtube #creater #wipe. AK-74 TGP-A 5. 184 subscribers. 45x39mm PS gs (GRAU Index - 7N6) cartridge with a 3. Price: 861111 RUB. Dead Scav 47. • 20 days ago. 9 from our trusted seller makesecond who guarantees 20 Minutes Delivery (Offer ID: 198368308). Shop Now!Rogues are a faction of ex-USEC operatives in Escape from Tarkov. Set 1664x936 on the streaming resolution under Settings > Output > Streaming (Advanced mode) > Check the rescale output box and input 1664x936. The 12. They most definitely still spawn on Labs, I got a GPSA a few hours ago and also found a couple of the MCCs. 99 from our trusted seller zbyjq2100 who guarantees 20 Minutes Delivery (Offer ID: 197479042). 03 200,000 Roubles 210,000 Roubles with Intelligence Center Level 1 230,000. An Escape from Tarkov movie about working on an extreme budget!Support my channel by pre-ordering a LIMITED EDITION hand drawn deskmat before May 3rd, HAND S. 1:08am · 4min. Check out my video! #EscapefromTarkov | Captured by #OutplayedKnock-Knock is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. In order to get to the bottom on if the Scav Case is worth it, we need to collect a large amount of data. Lighthouse rouge camp building 3 found one in the broke box inside on the second floor railing and found the converter on the floor in the tech room of the same. Lighthouse rouge camp building 3 found one in the broke box inside on the second floor railing and found the converter on the floor in the tech room of the same. Scav karma of at least +2 Must complete: Broadcast - Part 2 Bullshit Cargo X - Part 4 Decontamination Service Drug Trafficking Gunsmith - Part 15 House Arrest - Part 1 Living High is Not a Crime - Part 2 Peacekeeping Mission The Blood of War - Part 3 The Huntsman Path - Forest Cleaning. It contains medicine and. Result item. Note: Only 2 obvious cheaters in them runs though! Theyre loose electronic spawns (high value I assume), Ive done some offline Labs raids where I tried diffrent ways to move and found some there, but havnt seen one online yet, I guess theyre either picked up by others before I get to them or they simply havnt spawned where I looked so far. Hang on a sec. Collapsed Crane. Screenshot OCR. For now, the only solution seems to be restarting the game. ago. I go through. 🏷️ Far-forward GPS Signal Amplifier Unit in game Escape from Tarkov. Yesterday in the night someone was pounding under my door in the kitchen. A 5. 400₽. Obtain the financial records on Streets of Tarkov Hand over the journal to Ragman +8,700 EXP Ragman Rep +0. 🔵 Subscribe: | Membership: Watch The Latest Videos: Livestreams: h. . A special digital radio transmitter for user status identification system. Checkout all information for items, crafts, barters, maps, loot tiers, hideout profits, trader details, a free API, and more with tarkov. the answer might suprise. #eft #escapefromtarkov #tarkov #youtube #creater #wipe. Show All Hide All. The corpse behind the garages in the bushes. 12. 🔥😈🔥【GPSA ДЛЯ РАЗВЕДЦЕНТРА. 5min Reserve Guide: analyzer - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, bartersTwitch:. Far-forward GPS signal amplifier unit is a myth. タルコフでの絶え間ない紛争は大. Factory Woods Customs Interchange Reserve [WIP] Shoreline The Lab Lighthouse [WIP] Streets [WIP] 40 minutes. Weapons testing, on the floor next to both of the crates. 16. Nothing is tailored to a level 1-10 player pre flea-market (especially new player). 5. AMD Driver Settings. Getting rare items is hard in EFT. This item is required to be in your inventory to cross the bridge to the lighthouse peninsula on Lighthouse. by gangstermac. GPSA. Quests are the fastest way of gaining EXP. Far Forward Current Converter in Tarkov needed to construct some modules in the hideout. Module Level. Signal - Part 2 is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. This is a multiple choice task, so it can be handed into Skier, The. Shop Now!i like to play fps, rpgs and survival! come hang out!💬 let's connect! both player-given and dynamically generated, are intended to be a large part of Escape from Tarkov. A printed circuit board from microcontrollers. 14. They are led and commanded by the Goons. Incessant warfare in Tarkov has sparked massive panic; the local population has fled the city, but those who stayed. The GPSA facilitates collaboration of civil society organizations with governments, and engagement of citizens in order to solve development problems, strengthen accountability and improve sector governance. If you have any questions or feel. Hideout. 55. Learn about its hideout, location, quest rewards, trading, crafting, notes and more. 🏷️ Geiger-Muller counter in game Escape from Tarkov. Bonuses : Reducing the cooldown of your Scav Select module level to view crafts . ASh-12 12. 7x55mm STs-130 ammunition in Escape from Tarkov. Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore and realistic online first-person action RPG/Simulator with MMO features and a story-driven walkthrough. 14 ч 0 мин. Quest. Shop Now!The GP-25 "Kostyor" 40mm underbarrel grenade launcher (GP-25) is a underbarrel grenade launcher in Escape from Tarkov. Get Far-forward GPS Signal Amplifier Unit (GPSA) in Escape from Tarkov without any stress with Kingboost!. . Below is a complete list of these trades. A manual on silicon optoelectronic integrated circuits. It deactivates the Claymores. Escape from Tarkov MMO Action. Summit reacts to Tarkov cheaters admitting to cheating live on stream during interview with Veritas! DO NOT CHEAT, this video does not show clients but just. Cannot be listed for. на барахолке. Find the best loot and key locations in Laboratory First, Second and Technical levels. Safe 11. Average cost of items: 72 596 ₽. You can get all these Escape From Tarkov items at our marketplace, for the best price rates. A consumable in the production of various advanced far-forward electronics components. 9 gram bullet with a heat-strengthened steel core with lead cladding on the tip and a bimetallic jacket, in a bimetallic case. Tracked modules. Required for the quest Decontamination Service. An Escape from Tarkov movie about working on an extreme budget!Support my channel by pre-ordering a LIMITED EDITION hand drawn deskmat before May 3rd, HAND S. starting from. 2 or 3) for the weapon it is attached to, while it is in your. . A strange looking golden coin. Obtain the data on vehicle movement at the Concordia residential complex parking lot on Streets of Tarkov Hand over the information +22,800 EXP Mechanic Rep +0. Digital secure DSP radio transmitter (DSPT) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. 62x39mm ammunition type in Escape from Tarkov. Armor 0.